Sunday, November 22, 2009

"Historic" Health Care Vote...WOW!!...Hurrah!!!

It's Official. And it's officially historic.

Yes, history is being made while you wait. With only 60 Senators in their Caucus the Democrats have been able to win a vote in the United States Senate. And oh boy, it is helping to "move the debate" on Health Care. How do they do it you ask? This surely is pulling a rabbit out of their...hat. You have to marvel at the strong leadership we see from great leaders like...Harry Reid. He's making history after all. And surely, there were no shennanigans getting all 60 Democrats to vote this way. These guys and gals hold America and our Constitution is such high esteem. Honestly, I get a tear in my eye each time I see Harry Reid heading into the Senate.

And the History being made. My gosh! Yet another entitlement in the making, in the land of the free (loaders) and the home of the brave (government).

Higher taxes, reduced freedom, greater government dependency, and greater deficits. How do they do it? It's historic! Makes you proud to be an American, huh?

Setting out with a goal of reducing health care costs they now have a plan. They are not quite meeting the goal of reducing Health Care costs but hey, it's only your money. Not theirs. After all, they are, and will remain so, exempt from any changes in their health care coverage and costs. It's historic!!! Normally, you know, they suffer right along with the rest of us when they create a historic mess with legislation.

And the greatest part of all. They claim it will reduce the deficit. I love that part. Our government is soooooo good at reducing the deficit that here they are, doing it yet again!!! They really have the people in the mind. And of course, it's historic!

On the plus side, yet another reason not to go to work. Let's see, your taxes go up, health care costs go up.... if you go to work. Why do it? History in the making you say? Read the headlines. Everywhere proclaiming this to be historic. It must be true. The media is saying it. You know, the public watchdog.

I just love history. Remember the last presidential campaign and how historic it was. This history making is really working out. That popular well thought out stimulus plan. Terrorist now heading to New York City. Terrorists released in the Bahamas. Buying car companies and then paying people to buy cars. More hate crime legislation. 200 tonnes of American gold to India, and not a penny for America. Apologies for our abuse of other countries everywhere. And now on a course to better Health Care. Who would have thought you could cram this much history is so little....time.

Thank god for historic moments like these. All brought to you by your Constitutionally Conscious, Masters of the Will of the People, Freedom Loving, Budget Responsible, members of the United States Senate, taking yet another historic vote.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Democrat Congressman Gets Off Easy

A low key story in the news this week is the sentencing of one of the major criminals straight from the halls from Congress. Not much publicity and actually a pretty light sentence. Read the details from WSJ:

Jefferson Sentenced to 13 Years


Former Louisiana congressman William Jefferson was sentenced Friday to 13 years in prison following his conviction in a corruption case that featured a freezer full of suspected bribe money stuffed into boxes of veggie burgers.

A federal judge in Alexandria, Va., handed down the sentence to Mr. Jefferson, a 62-year-old Democrat ousted by voters last year. He had been convicted by a jury of bribery, money laundering and racketeering in schemes that prosecutors said he devised to enrich himself and his family.

Prosecutors asked for a sentence of at least 27 years, which likely would have amounted to a life term and one that defense attorneys called unprecedented.

Mr. Jefferson's defense attorneys, who had hoped their client's sentence would be less than 10 years, have said they will appeal his conviction. In seeking leniency, they pointed out that Mr. Jefferson ascended from humble beginnings to "the nation's finest educational institutions and its highest corridors of power."

Neil H. MacBride, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, suggested a stiff penalty was in order. "Mr. Jefferson's repeated attempts to sell his office caused significant damage to the public's trust in our elected leaders," he said. "This sentence will begin to repair that damage and to restore that trust."

Mr. Jefferson's seven-week trial included video and audio tapes of him meeting with a federal informant at Washington, D.C., restaurants. Prosecutors said he used his congressional status to concoct plans that would help pay college tuition for his daughters. Mr. Jefferson served on a trade subcommittee and is alleged to have shaken down businessmen who came to his office seeking help with African deals.

The most notorious episode in the saga involved $100,000 in cash that prosecutors said Mr. Jefferson intended to use to bribe the vice president of Nigeria in Washington. He had hoped the money would help pave the way for a telecommunications deal that would have been lucrative for the congressman's family, prosecutors said.

Most of that money was found wrapped in foil in Mr. Jefferson's freezer in a 2005 raid of his Washington home by the Federal Bureau of investigation. Prosecutors said the Nigerian vice president left town before Mr. Jefferson could deliver the payment to him.

Defense attorneys portrayed Mr. Jefferson as possibly unethical but not a criminal, and said he was a victim of an over-aggressive prosecution aimed at "bagging a congressman." They said Mr. Jefferson was entrapped by investigators who wired the informant to try to nab him.

Write to Dionne Searcey at

Printed in The Wall Street Journal, page A5

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Democrats Ready to Steal Yet Another Senate Seat

After openly stealing Senate seats in Illinois (Burris), Pennsylvania (Specter), and Minnesota (Franken), the Democratic party has changed laws to steal yet another Senate Seat.

Kind of makes you proud to live in a Democracy , eh? The people's voice is being heard. It's really hard to understand people that are upset at Townhall meetings, right?


Signs point to Kirk for interim senator
By Matt Viser and Frank Phillips, Globe Staff September 24, 2009

Governor Deval Patrick huddled with a small group of trusted advisers last night to finalize his choice for an interim US senator, with indications pointing to former Democratic National Committee chairman Paul G. Kirk Jr., who has the strong backing of the immediate family of the late Edward M. Kennedy, as the overwhelming favorite.

A person with knowledge of the process said last night that former governor Michael S. Dukakis, considered a leading candidate for the appointment, was unlikely to be chosen. At the same time, senior Democrats in Washington told The New York Times that they were certain Kirk would be the choice...........

Read the remainder of the farce here.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Robert M. Gates....Closet Comedian

Kim Jong-il must be getting a pretty good laugh. With Obama having warmed up the crowd with his new, friendlier, America approach, the comedy styling of our Defense Secretary is rolling on to the stage.

May 3oth, 2009, Robert Gates, US Secretary of Defense speaking on North Korea's nuclear and missile testing:

“We will not stand idly by as North Korea builds the capability to wreak destruction on any target in Asia — or on us,” Gates said.

Yee Haw. At first I thought he was getting ready for a Leno or Saturday Night Live appearance.

I have just a few questions for the honorable Mr. Gates:

Do you know what planet you are on?

Do you realize who you work for?

Do you know your boss is moving rapidly to kill missile defense?

Have you given any thought at all as to why North Korea is making such a dramatic "in your face" move at this time?

Do you really believe, like your boss, that simply talking will solve this problem?

Do you really believe, like your boss, that the U.N. has a good chance of solving this problem?

Do you know what "not stand idly by" means because you really are going to do the opposite of that.

Is it fact that you and your boss really have not figured out the failure of the "sanctions" route?

And please, oh please, when you talk to our European allies about getting tough with North Korea, will you kindly post the meeting minutes on the web.

I need a good laugh too.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Obama...Head up his.....

Wow. Absolutely incredible. The North Koreans have launched their missile in spite the great orator telling them to not do so.

But look at just the last few days leading up to this event and Obama's response which obviously bears no grip in reality in any way whatsoever.

In the few days prior to the launching of this rocket Obama was in Europe with a grand(standing) meeting with 20 world leaders. He went there with big plans to get them to spend stimulus money. They refused.

He made a strong case for NATO to join us with a larger presence in Afghanistan. They refused.

He then gives some great speech about eliminating all nuclear weapons in the world. Yee Haw. Anyone care to guess how long the US remains the US without our nuclear threat? Oh, he's so smart.

So despite the fact that the US is entirely alone in the world when it comes to defense, Obama issues the following statement upon hearing of the missile launch:

"North Korea broke the rules once again by testing a rocket that could be used for long-range missiles," he said. "Now is the time for a strong international response."
I suppose he still believes in the tooth fairy.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Obama the Labor Expert

Obama signed Executive Orders this week that undo Bush policies concerning Unions. I guess the point is that we should use General Motors as the pattern in shaping labor and business in the United States. The new rules will make it even more difficult for the ever expanding federal government to control the labor practices in federal contracts.

Appearing alongside Joe Biden, a guy who seemingly and rightfully, cannot believe that he has ascended to such heights in his career, Obama signed 3 Executive Orders. In the new changed bipartisan spirit he bashed Bush several times during the signing.

He spoke of “shameful” bonuses for Wall Street bankers but neglected to mention his White House dinner earlier in the week where they (our rulers) served steak that cost the American taxpayer $300 a pound. Imported too! Hurrah for Change!

Certainly it is apparent that this group of elitists are so removed from reality that they cannot make any move that will benefit America. To prove this, they also took the opportunity to remind us of the Pelosi/Obama stimulus package. You know the one that stimulates a march towards a Marxist government? New cars for government workers! Hurray! Condoms for all! New grass on the mall! Change!!

At the same "Turn America into General Motors" gathering, Joe Biden discussed his new role as Middle Class Nanny Czar. According to Joe The Vice President one of the focuses will be "green jobs, those jobs that pay well". Does that mean we all get to own wealthy carbon trading companies like Al Gore?

Obama keeps talking the economy down (you know that thing that Bush was criticized for) but yet every action he takes is towards more destruction of the economy. Of course this was mostly about paying back the people that sent him all that money during the campaign.

Change. Can we survive it?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Week One...Pretty Darn Productive!

I have to admit, this man is way more productive then George Bush ever thought of being. After the largest carbon footprint inauguration in history he started to govern.

Week one he has dismantled the intelligence apparatus necessary to keep America safe in our fight against Muslim extremism.

I guess we gained the respect of terrorists, liberals, and people that live in countries unable to protect themselves.
And, introduced a legislative package, disguised as a financial stimulus plan, that will fund every loony, liberal, socialist, boondoggle idea every dreamed of.

Hey it's probably only going to be a trillion dollars. That's $1,000,000,000,000,000. Gives you the right frame of mind headed into the tax season, right?
And, insured that America will once again fund the abortions of babies overseas.

Thank goodness we have suspended the atrocious practice of splashing water in the face of terrorists and are now returning to things that matter. Like supporting infant killing.
All the while, continuing to drive your 401K and investments into dust. (The forward looking stock market dive bombed).

On the bright side, gold went up $60.00 and ounce and silver went up $0.81 and ounce. Wait a minute, is that a good thing?
I can hardly wait until next week.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The "Brains" of the New Administration

We have been hearing so much gushing from the media elites about the "brains" of the new Obama administration. I guess its part of the anti-Bush dummies campaign being waged for the last 8 years.

The picture at the left was taken at the Inauguration platform and is of the new White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. This is one of the main guys that will be running the government now.

Makes you proud to be an American, huh? Thank goodness we've got the brainy elites running the show now, huh?